Monday, November 05, 2007

Catalogue Choice

In the LA Times today was a great article. Join up! Save the world.
This site is not against commerce. They’re just against needless catalogues. In fact, they offer catalogues on their site for you to look at. Do yourself a favor. Let your catalogues collect for the next few months in a pile...then, join this site and click off the catalogues you no longer want. Just do it. Make a note in your calendar for early January. Start piling up your catalogues. Join the site and Mark them goodbye! (You’ll need certain information from your catalogues to do this.) Why lose all these trees?

Catalog Choice

From their Site:

Over eight million tons of trees are consumed each year in the production of paper catalogs.

Nearly half of the planet’s original forest cover is gone today. Forests have effectively disappeared in 25 countries, and another 29 have lost more than 90% of their forest cover.

Deforestation contributes between 20% and 25% of all carbon pollution, causing global climate change.

More than one billion people living in extreme poverty around the world depend on forests for their livelihoods.

There are other significant environmental impacts from the catalog cycle. The production and disposal of direct mail alone consumes more energy than three million cars.

The manufacturing, distribution, collection and disposal of catalogs generates global warming gases as well as air and water pollution. Reducing the number of unwanted catalogs that are mailed will help the environment.

Catalog Choice


Todd HellsKitchen said...

Great idea!

Rebecca Waring said...

Oh THANK YOU! I can finally get rid of those ubiquitous Victoria's Secret catalogs. I think I bought one pair of jeans (yes, they had a zipper and a crotch!) in 2000 and now I get a catalog du jour.

Anonymous said...

i did it as soon as i saw the article! goodbye, dr. foster and smith!