Monday, October 06, 2008

The RACE is on

I had sympathy for Sarah Palin? Because Katie Couric asked her very simple questions and she could not answer them? That she was so dumbfounded and vulnerable and looked like such a terrified loser that I thought she was the victim of the terrible running-mate choice actions of cynical play-to-the-base politics? That I actually saw her humanity and wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her it was all going to be okay?

And what did I get for my compassion? An ego-drunk girl-child. A power hungry lunatic. She wants to get into office so bad, praying for McCain’s death, so she can become, GASP, president. Or at the least, a Cheney level policy controller. She wants it like dogs want pot roast, like vampires want blood, like low end beauty pageant queens want undeserved fame.

Please excuse me for falling for her for one second.

She’s back to her old tricks of speaking with forked tongue and winking in code. She is trying to scare people with lies, as we have seen this week. “Barak Obama pals around with terrorists…he’s not like you or I.”

It is racism, fear-of-otherness, whatever you want to call it. She is a tiny-souled monster.

Sarah Palin is diseased pond scum.

I release her off my radar.

And now for the positive antidote:
Time to watch Richard Trumka. I surely cried.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you saw the light!!!

Rebecca Waring said...

If anyone ever feels sorry for Sarah Palin, read this: