Sunday, October 11, 2009

You Say Obama. I say Christian Bigot

I watched Obama on You Tube give his speech to the HRC. I mean, the President does not believe in Gay marriage, but does believe in all the same rights for gay couples. So, basically, he’s a separate but equal kind of guy.

I wonder which water fountain he uses at The White House.


40licious said...

How can someone not "believe in" something that is? That's like saying you don't believe in gravity or osmosis or something.

40licious said...

In fact, maybe civil unions should be the only legally recognized partnerships. What people do in their church is up to them and God.

Don Cummings said...

I totally agree...Civil Unions for ALL.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

LOL on the water fountain line... Separate but equal...

Rebecca Waring said...

Marriage is dying anyway. Where I live you know who are couples, but you don't know if they're married or not. Everyone has different last names - sometimes they've tied the knot - sometimes not. It doesn't matter. Only the love matters.

John B said...

It's interesting to me. The issues that I think are incontrovertibly essential (equal rights, food safety, investment in international development) just get pushed to the back burner. I scratch my head and realize I may have thought I was voting for a liberal, but in fact, we elected a centrist.

Maybe this is the best thing for healing the middle of the country, but I keep getting the feeling that golden opportunities are slipping away