Friday, May 13, 2011

The Root of Humor

If anger is at the root of humor and you get over your anger, then will it follow that you will also lose your humor? Or even worse, retain some sort of toothless humor?


Did dogs really help us to evolve?

Schrodinger’s Cat. Twenty words or less.

Beech trees. Apparently, they are everywhere…I never know which one it is.

Do successful fat actors hold onto their tonnage for fear of losing future paychecks?

Birds. I am not a bird watcher. I prefer mammals.

I play Facebook Scrabble. I do not play Angry Birds.

I wish for variety. I am happiest with the known. Mix it up.

Percentage-wise, less people die in war today than ever before.

I do not like being out in the sun but I do like it to be sunny.

Is Newt Gingrich serious?

MRSA, do you have the symptoms? Or do you just need a nap?

I still can’t get over how good Clare Danes was in that Temple Grandin HBO movie.

I do not understand stories about identity.

Brains plaque up in everyone. Exercise. Get off your ass.

If you had the moral dilemma that went like this: Your neighbor, whom you like, will die, unless you take on a nasty cold for the rest of your life. What would you do?

Boats—really? Not interested.

Pot holders are getting extremely fancy.

The original PC’s that came out in the 80’s really did not seem futuristic to me, then.

Broadway Show Idea: Sea World, the musical. Takes care of everyone.

I want a dog. That’s what this is all about. A dog.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Love these "clear your head" posts... Beats the Netti Pot... LOL