Tuesday, June 19, 2007

John From...

Saw John From Cincinnati. The first episode. And there he was—the gay guy referred to as the suicidal fruit.

We gay guys are still the freaks. Or the court jester, on a good day.

Perhaps the problem is the structure of drama, in general. If you have to have conflict, then often, it is best to have a stable of bad characters to cause that conflict. For the sake of expediency, it’s even better to have recognizable bad characters in that stable.

Milch was known for not holding back anything in Deadwood. Let him have at it with this surfer thing.

As a gay guy, I am a little nutty. And I have played the jester. But I grow weary.

There is truth to every stereotype. But how lazy to keep dragging them out. I mean, Milch can go for it. But I’m bored.

1 comment:

the last noel said...

I've been toying with an essay called, "The Het Pet." It's about how homosexuals play to the stereotypes of hetero pleasure. I found myself playing the jester, the fabu gay guy, becuase it's unthreatening. No more. Don't ask me for fashion sense or decorating tips. Homo don't play that.