Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What's Not to Like?

Southern California Edison, Yarhoo!

Thanks, Dan


Rebecca Waring said...

After I wrote that yesterday, I went out to the EPA website and they have some links. Not very helpful but I found one that led me to a site where you can select - by state - to purchase all of your electricity from 'green' sources (ie solar, wind, etc.). It had one for my state (MD) and I signed up! The cost was only about 1 cent per kilowat hour more than I pay now, which will amount to about a $20 increase in my WORST month and usually much less than that. Here is the link: http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/locator/index.htm Go ahead - the feeling of moral superiority is worth the price.

Dan said...

Good for you Rebeccaw. The LA DWP has a similar program and after signing up I am 30% more smug, and it only cost me a few bucks a month.

To further "plug" my employer, here's a recent announcement about a project we are doing with Ford for plug-in hybrids. http://www.sce.com/PowerandEnvironment/ElectricTransportationNew/News/

the last noel said...

This is remarkable. You mean all those people who died in Iraq really didn't have to happen?