Thursday, September 03, 2009

Many Ways to Strap it On

In our black and white thinking world of the United States, everything ends up a simple face off. Sunday Football. Old Westerns. Right and Left. HealthCare fights.

What is so terribly sad is the culture of constant combat in this country.

Obama is a smart man and he is fighting, because he has to. And there’s a part of me that wants to shriek, “Strap it on, man. Give it the hero’s rhetoric and run with it. And mow down the opposition.”

And you know what? He might be doing that in his way. Sometimes, when everyone gets real loud, it’s the quiet one gets things done.

It will be interesting to hear the address next week.

I understand it is a combination of a certain brain tendency mixed with brain conditioning, but I have such a hard time accepting the fear-of-change radicalism of conservatives. They seem like little babies, terrified of I don’t know what.

We all know that reasoning is useless. And trying to get at their compassionate side has proven to be futile, too. We just have to bomb past them. At this point, they must be ignored.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Never argue w/ crazy people because bystanders won't be able to tell which one is the crazy person.