Monday, October 22, 2007

Malibu Fire

It is highly usual for the marine layer to hover over Hollywood at night. A normal occurrence, the ocean about twelve miles away, its moisture rolls in and gives the night a fresh blanket of coolness.

Tonight, that light fog is filled with smoke. It’s cold and damp as usual, but loaded with particulate matter. It’s oddly freakish, an end of the world feeling.

The moon is in a haze of blue. The world smells like a campfire.


Todd HellsKitchen said...


The footage of this fire on the TV news is frightening!

Rebecca Waring said...

Did you see the story on 60 Minutes last night? About how much worse the fires are in the US because of Global Warming? It's much drier and the warm (fire) season lasts 2 months longer. I was in Cape May NJ this weekend and it was 75-80. As it has been this whole month. People were swimming. In October.

Don Cummings said...

The boiling oceans,
The seared lungs,
The nations fighting over oil rig rights for the melted Arctic.
The shipping lanes.
The Greed.
The End.