Thursday, August 07, 2008

Amoebas and Punishment

There are times when I mosey along thinking, “What am I going to blog about tonight?”
Today, while strolling to my allergist’s office for shots, I thought, I should write an entry entitled:

What Makes a Conservative

And the one line entry would be:

Someone who believes in punishment for all mistakes, except financial ones for the rich.

I have to admit, that line does not have much ring to it. But I do believe conservatives are a vengeful bunch.

But then, I read something in the paper tonight that really snagged my attention. It was that damn Brain Eating Amoeba that sometimes comes around and, well, eats someone’s brain. Some poor kid swam in Lake Elsinore out in Riverside County and got infected with the deadly Naegleria fowleri amoeba and it ate his brain and killed him.

The amoeba swims up your nose in warm fresh water lakes, travels along the olfactory nerve into your brain and then eats your olfactory bulb and brain, which has the side effect of killing you.

Not unlike what George Bush, conservative, tried to do to the entire population of the United States of America.

Eh, not such a great tie-together at the end there.

Let’s just say this: Conservatives are odd people, often noncreative, who like things to remain exactly the same and to punish those who venture outside their picky little lines.

Brain Eating Amoebas are just awful creatures that are only doing what they were born to do: They eat your brain.


Todd HellsKitchen said...

Interesting that you left the word "Republican" completely out of this post. I know not all Repubs are conservative, (and I know not all are bad people) but whenever they tow that line, for whatever reason, they are dragging along all that Conservative muck with them. Ew.

Rebecca Waring said...

I thought conservative Republicans were brain-eating amoebas.