Thursday, April 30, 2009


I recently read that Twitter has a very low retention rate of users.


Twitter so annoys me, I started to write an annoying Twitter novel on Twitter with the exact goal to bring Twitter down.

Of course, I could get over my technology induced A.D.D. and simply ignore all these new ways to “Get-it-out-there.”

But I get so much pressure from my friends…like, “But you blog all the time, you should twitter!”

And I think, “Why? I’m blogging!”

Plus, let’s face it, blogs devolve. I understand now why I should have had a blog that went hedgehog deep instead of fox curious.

But I am fox curious…So there sits my blog with it’s fluffy orange tail.

But this twitter? I want it to go down like Dick Cheney.

I don’t think Dick has lost his mind. I think it was always gone and now, he just doesn’t care if we see it. What a freakish monster.


Todd HellsKitchen said...

"Tweet, tweet", said the bird.

Cheryl said...

I'm totally feeling the Twitter peer pressure too--but I'm resisting. For now. The thing that I don't like about Twitter is that it sort of makes everyone the star of their own really boring reality show, where you're all, "I just ate a sandwich!" and you check in on your friends to see if they just ate a sandwich. Blogs, to an extent, still have to be about something.

That said, I just seriously considered blogging about how tasty the egg salad sandwich I just ate was. Maybe I'll make it my Facebook status instead.

Jeff said...

Why do people hate twitter so much?

Rebecca Waring said...

Jesus, let's all just publish every minute detail of our lives for all the world to see. Just took a crap. Very satisfying. Wish I hadn't had all that beer though. Or the fig newtons.