Wednesday, May 27, 2009

California Chicken Judges

Shame on you.

Like African Americans in Newark in the 1960’s, it is time to burn down the buildings.


Rebecca Waring said...

So disappointing. California used to be the beacon of enlightenment.

Anonymous said...

Much as I am on your side, I think they were right. That's what the Proposition 8 lawyers undoubtedly knew when they all mounted a referendum; the "People". aka "Fearful", have spoken and that's what the Constitution is all about. Now they have to speak again to undo it. It stinks in this instance MOther/Judith

John B said...

I'm with Judith. But with a twist.

I think that this decision, which was not on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, but rather on the legality of a changing the constitution through ballot initiative, could not have turned out otherwise. The hands-on democracy of ballot referendums was re-affirmed, and the justices, four of seven of whom had ruled FOR same-sex marriage, stated this in their decision.

I firmly believe that this was the only ruling possible (it was nearly unanimous), but I also firmly believe that it galvanized outrage at a time when momentum on this may have been flagging just a little. There were demonstrations here in Sheridan and Union Squares. Heck - it prompted me to send even more money than I usually do to the Human Rights Campaign , and I think that others are being shaken out of whatever complacency they may have been under.

This is a reminder that the power to fix this is firmly in California's hands, and its up to ALL of us who support equal rights for all (because let's face it, unless all of us are free and equal under the law, then none of us are)to get off our asses and help change hearts and minds.

I think its not only possible, that its in fact very much likely that this will be on the ballot again in the fall. That's a short timeline and there's a lot of work to do to turn out the vote.

Anonymous said...

Well, what would have happened if we had subjected the African Americans to a vote of the people rather than to judicial action? This is really the same thing. Shame on the "Justice" system of California. bri

Don Cummings said...

Thank you all for chiming in.
Really, the California state government is in shambles...and this issue is absurd. It's going to happen anyway. Why are people spending so much time and money to oppose the inevitable? RIght? Move on, everyone. Homosexuality is so here. We don't want much: Just the right to get married, and your children. ;)