Thursday, August 27, 2009

You Ever Feel Blogged Out?

Are blogs tyrranical?

Do things take their course? It’s really about aging, isn’t it? You have this idea that you are going to be young forever, that your excitement for what you are doing RIGHT NOW will never wane…and the day comes along and you start a blog.

One night, like tonight, you sit down and you have absolutely nothing to say. Oh sure, I started a blog about Reagan’s trickle down bullshit and how I was quite infuriated even when it all began. That blog ended up very short. I had nothing to add.

When I was in junior high, I dated. Yes, it’s true. Girls. And they were all so lovely. And I thought, “When I get older, I am still going to like these girls. I’m never going to like older girls. I won’t change.”

But you change. Monstrously.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but some things get better, thanks to changing. At this point in my life I can say with certainty that the Best time of one's life is from 50 to 70. I have spoken. Mother/Judith

Rebecca Waring said...

I have enjoyed your blog so much! But if you need a break I'll probably survive. I'll just have to find some new work-avoidance-behavior.

Don Cummings said...

Ah! Good change! Well, fear not...the blog is not going anywhere. Just one night of blog malaise...

John B said...

Not me,

I felt all blogged out by entry number 4 and yet I keep going albeit painfully and sporadically. Not only do I hate doing it, I don't know to whom I'm speaking, for whom I'm writing it.

I've been all blogged out since blogs were invented.