Thursday, February 03, 2011

Time, Six Things

My best friend from childhood, K., tagged this picture on Facebook today.

1. I have a hard time believing that was me.
2. I cannot believe that was me.
3. That was me.
4. It is tacky to blog about your youthful good looks. Whatever.
5. I am having a hard time with time. But time does what it does.
6. There are so many pictures of you out there that you don't know about.

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Anonymous said...


R P said...

Here is a question I have thought about a lot.
Is it better to have had a time in your past when your looks were a glory. Or better to never have had that?

My looks haven't changed much since the third grade. It's almost weird. So my face is aging decently.I have always had weight which allowed others to say things like the ubiquitous...."So pretty if"
I have semi envy of those that have had the power of the looks card in their past or present. Having said that I often wonder if the aging process makes it harder...on those have had "IT".

mkm said...

an old friend of mine brought a picture of when i sang at her wedding, and i honestly do not remember ever looking that way. and i was always so hard on myself,thinking i was ugly and fat! and now, at 50, well, we certainly do age. but it is all good. and don, you were so handsome and young, but you are still handsome, just a little older.

Don Cummings said...

RP--Probably--slow and steady wins the race. Less shocking to the system.

MKM I hear it all and feel it even more...

It is odd to get a way.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

You still look the same Donner!!

George said...

Lately, you've been posting your Blog hours earlier than in the past. Another sign of aging?