Monday, October 31, 2005

The Majestics

This is the last posting for a week as I am off to Queens and off the grid.
Looking forward to finally closing this apartment. It all began in June.

Megan, my oldest friend who lives down the street in a lovely apartment in Jackson Heights, has this to say about the history of where she lives:

About 9 years ago new people moved into my apartment and my neighbor loved them because they were just so quite. For two years they were incredibly quiet until one day he heard banging and commotion in the hall and he thought someone was trying to break into their apartment. So he GRABBED HIS SWORD and went out into the hall. The cops were there in full force, machine guns, the whole thing. Turns out my apartment was a bookies' den. They were for two years running numbers out of it. The cops were busting the operation that very moment. They shusshed my neighbor and waved him back into his apartment. They never mentioned the fact that he was carrying a SWORD.

Someone at Megan's work asked her, "What do you call people who live in Queens? Queensians? Queenies? Etc..." Her response, "Majestics."


Anonymous said...
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Rebecca Waring said...

Megan - I think you should tell them about your Keyspan Man too.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Congrats on the Closing!



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