Thursday, September 07, 2006

September 6, 1980

Today was excellent. Megan called, I got up, ate, and met her down in Boston. She was with a friend. It was excellent to see her. We hung out from 12 to 4. It was really great. She’s doing good. Then I came back and ate dinner- a cookout, then me, Rene, his roommate- Eric, Pam, and Sue, went to see an improvisational group. They were excellent, really great. Then we went into Cambridge, ate and walked around. Eric is really weird. He is so insecure. I felt good that someone was worse off than me. Things are really getting better. Goodnight.

Apparently, it was very important for me to feel that things were excellent. Propping myself up? And thank goodness for the pleasurable dopamine surge in my brain provided by the Eric Schadenfreude.

This was my first week at college and I remember there were many adjustment problems. Tufts University. Medford, Massachusetts. I did not and do not like change all that much. At least not when it’s huge. Sue was hilariously miserable. We went on one of those Boston Harbor cruises the night before. Everyone was getting drunk and Sue and I just looked at each other and would say things like, “Can we go home now?” “I bet I’m more miserable than you are.” On the way back from the Harbor Cruise the bus got lost. Pam, Sue and Rene (not Eric) were my first friends. That lasted about a semester. Though I always remained friendly with them (as I do) and at graduation, they all sat together (sans Eric) and I sat with my freshman friends Joe and Ed. When I went to Europe, Junior Year, I went up and stayed with Pam in Edinburgh Scotland for only one night and drank in a pub with her friends and I visited Sue in Lausanne, Switzerland for a day and we went to the Musee d’Art Fou.

Rene was a guy whose family was a bit Cannuck. He referred to himself as Rainy to avoid having a woman’s name. He was gay and very Christian and tightly closeted. He wanted to go to dental school in the worst way. He ended up going to Hospital Administration school at UMASS. Perfect, because more than anything, he exuded a secretarial nature. Sue wanted to be a veterinarian in the worst way. She ended up at NYU with an International MBA focusing on French. This made very good sense. Sue was extremely smart in a wide net kind of way and she spoke amazing French. Pam majored in Chinese. I bet she became a spy or a murderer. She was one of those nasty bitches from Bethesda. She was cute. She would only date Jewish men. My good friend Joe was in love with her for the longest time but she could care less. He became a doctor in Cleveland. I was in love with Joe. For a short while. Eric was truly funky and remained nothing more than Rene’s roommate (Rainy’s roommate). The poor guy had awful acne. And he had very fine, greasy hair. He had a great body. I am having a vague memory of imaging Eric and Rene together, doing the Cannuck-Acne-Guy beast with two backs.

I do not remember seeing an improvisational group. Maybe in Goddard Chapel on campus? We often went into Cambridge. I bet we ate at The Mug and Muffin. Or we drank in that pub. Was it called The Ale House? I bet we did both.

Megan, of course, was Megan who, of course, is still Megan. She went to Simmons for a year. Not the right place for her. That school was all about marrying a Harvard Med student. We did go see Tess of the D’Urbervilles that fall.

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