Thursday, March 20, 2008

Barak Yack

Look, he has some good points. And how smart he is. He distanced himself from the angry preacher but he understands black anger. Pretty clear headed.

Will Preachergate come back to bite him on his half black ass? I don’t know. Very interesting times.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

I think this is huge. It's destroyed his electability with Repubs and many Indies.... And you KNOW those diatribes will be hammered into voters by the Repubs in the General election..... Hopefully the Supers will realize this and go with my home state Senator instead.... Hil can't make a big deal of the Preacher cuz doing so would alienate black voters.... But McCain certainly will! And Leiberman is suspiciously spending a lot of time at McCain's side lately. Looking very much like a suck up Democrat/Independent/ Republican Vice Presidential candidate, eh?... Stepping off soapbox now...