Thursday, March 06, 2008

Pet Scan

We brought our cat, Juanita, to the vet today. It was almost time to give her her final shot. She has quite a mouth full of cancer, can barely eat or drink, weighs just four pounds, it’s over. We got up this morning and fed her a dish of tuna. She ate it all followed by a long slurping in the toilet. After that, she was so happy. She sat in the sun. We just couldn’t kill her. Not today. Maybe next Tuesday.

But we had to go to the Vet for her follow up anyway. We brought Louise along, our amazing pooch, because she has had a cough for three weeks and antibiotics are not stopping it. We left her behind for X-rays and bloodwork. Turns out, she has a very enlarged heart and tomorrow I get to drop hundreds of dollars at an animal cardioligist’s office who is going to give a second opinion and probably some pills, mostly diuretics, to remove fluid. At the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and Sepulveda. On a Friday.
The good news is enlarged hearts are treatable. Sure, she’ll die from it one day…but there’s still time to give her the love. It’s better than cancer.

So the cat is almost gone. The dog, well, I hope the heart doctor gives her a year or two.

I love my pooch more than anything on earth. It feels like that to me.

Old pets. You just have to be ready.

Louise Blog


Rebecca Waring said...

You're never ready. Little Juanity! She's such a doll. If she can still eat tuna and slurp in the toilet, I'd say let her live. It's cheaper to let them die on their own time anyway. And they know when it's time to go. It doesn't take long, usually.

Louise still has some happy years left, I bet. What is it about animals that makes us feel such love and joy?

Cheryl said...

They give us> enlarged hearts, don't they?

Todd HellsKitchen said...

You guys are good parents!

the last noel said...

I"m sorry to read this post.
We put down our family dog a few years ago. Ugh, he's still missed.