Sunday, December 13, 2009

Put Upon Paula

Let’s not be Put-Upon-Paulas this year.

Sure, there’s the feeling, “The economy is getting better. I’ve been denying myself and everyone else for far too long. Let’s buy some shit for Christmas!”

Really, you don’t need any of it.

Maybe the underwear. Maybe the frying pan.

Maybe the new dog collar if the old one is completely greasy and frayed.

Why fill that Target basket with all that shiny plastic?

How about just some modeling clay and a bit of yarn? Enough.

I love Christmas mostly because I do not like the sun. Long, dark days are cozy days.

Let’s sit, our hands empty, our tree with its minimal, wonderful items stuffed under its branches and watch the sun go down at 4:15 and hark, “Now I can see!”

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