Monday, May 12, 2008

That's Not a Haircut, Those are Solar Panels!

Negation without Investigation!

Recently, I bemoaned the huge house remodel (rebuild) across the street.

But my neighbor, who can be seen walking in the house framing checking out the progress in the late afternoons, is an exceptional man with a warm way and a readiness to chat.

I couldn’t get over his odd, slanted roof. Well, get this! The roof is at 30 degrees because that is the optimal angle for solar panels. He’s slathering the entire top of the house with them. But they will be hidden by a monstrous parapet. THE FUTURE in my FACE!

And he has a little electric golf cart he uses to get around locally.

He also made it a point to tell me the house almost fits into the new law which came out after he submitted his plans. The new law says your house cannot be more than half the square footage of your lot. His is just slightly more than that. He said he really didn’t want everyone in the neighborhood to hate him.

Sensitive and resource conscious, I say, “Have at it and I apologize for my snark.”

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