Thursday, January 07, 2010


He get all soft at the end there?

You know, there is something disgusting about the California prison system. I’ve never been to prison, but it always seemed likely I could have landed there.

There are far more prisons than Andersen’s Pea Soups, and I’ve been to some of those. So math would suggest that prison would not be far behind for me.

It is sweet that the Governator wants to divert money away from prisons into higher education. But this makes no sense. The money should be diverted to EARLY education. Most of the kids who make it to higher education, well, they are not the ones who usually end up in prison.

These little kids, come on!

Give them a hand!

Send the money to the elementary schools.

I do not understand prison. If I did something terrible, that landed me in the pokey, I do not see how on earth that would change anything.

Seems to me that each person who commits a crime needs to be attended to, 24-7, by a team of personality re-shapers (which would include education). Soon, too, maybe a little DNA tinkering. I mean, just a bit. Hell, I wouldn’t mind a little DNA tinkering myself.


Stephen said...

I like your thinking on this subject...

I am am enjoying reading about you & your considerable accomplishments!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me, although I'd like to give the $$ to an even earlier segment of the population. Such as, first, to make parenting classes mandatory in the high schools and then to give a sort of welfare to birthing mothers so they could stay home for 3 years for a maximum of 2 births.


Tandava (Carol Henning) said...

Agreed, Mother/Judith. Two little words California should invest in: Baby College

And four more words the Governator should consider: Respect Your Parole Boards.

Must California forever live in Willie Horton's shadow and keep people inside who have paid their debt to society? See part 1 of