I would feel so much safer and happier if my house would plummet in value and other people could buy homes. In desirable places.
I would feel so much safer and happier if the poor people in this country had health care that would really care about their health. So then, I would be surrounded by people who were at least starting from a neutral place.
I would feel so much safer and happier if the wage I earned for anything at all was closer to the wage everyone else earned.
I would feel so much safer and happier if I was not measured by how rich I am and I was not shamed for how rich I am not or anything else like that.
I would feel so much safer and happier if people would give the homeless what they need: homes.
I would feel so much safer and happier if a virus wiped out the need for people to control each other with weaponry.
I would feel so much safer and happier if the economy of our country was not based on spin and acquisition and the enslavement of needy nations.
I would feel so much safer and happier if I could walk down the street and look people in the eye with ease and positive regard without feeling the possibility of recriminations or gun shot wounds.
I would feel so much safer and happier if the air that I breathe was not green.
I would feel so much safer and happier if all those S.U.V. commercials would not be aired on television.
I would feel so much safer and happier if Uncle Bucky Bush was found guilty on charges of war profiteering.
I would feel so much safer and happier if the federal government would treat me as a citizen with the same rights as married men and women.
I would feel so much safer and happier if people would recognize how God cannot save them from living paycheck to paycheck.
I would feel so much safer and happier if people would try something else. Anything else.
1 comment:
Sounds Communistic to me!
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