Monday, August 08, 2005

Crawl, Hillary, Crawl to the Middle!


So, she's going to win again, as senator of New York State in 2006. No sweat.

And it does look like she's getting ready for a presidential run in 2008. Seems to me. Maybe 2012? She'll still be young enough.

And she's doing what she has to do. The slog to the middle. Do it, girl. Do it hard.

In this day and age, when the fight over what is Left and what is Right just won't quit, a real Centrist is what is needed. As we all know, the two system party is set up to push things to the middle. And as Hillary rides the wave there, it's impossible to blame her wet ass. The system forces it.

Apparently, Bill Clinton was further to the Right than Dick Nixon.

It's not the people, people, it's the times!

Of course, the Right is already vilifying Hillary as a Leftist wolf in Centrist sheep's clothes.

And Hillary, with that unflappable look in her big eyes, continues to increase her support as she articulates exactly why she takes the positions she takes in this current U.S.A.

I believe she can be our next president. I believe the United States of America is ready for Hillary Clinton, wife of the funnest, most smartest, bestest ex-president we've seen in forever.


Rebecca Waring said...

Having Hillary as President would be like winning the Mega-Millions lottery. Like your Fairy Godmother granting you 3 wishes. Like finding an original copy of the Declaration of Independence in your attic. And the odds of it happening are about the same. But I can still dream......

Todd HellsKitchen said...

I love my junior Senator!

Mr. H.K.
Postcards from Hell's

And I Quote Blog

Anonymous said...


I thought the same way about the possibility of the Red Sox winning the World Series last year and see what happened??!!