Monday, August 22, 2005

Just One More Thing to Worry About

The Iodine Emails

Did you get your Iodine yet?





I don’t know if it is the paranoia, but I am going to get some tomorrow.



Buy me a bag if you’re in the iodine store. (for two---no wait, better, for one—okay okay for two) I’ll reimburse you...



How long after irradiation do you need to take them?

How does one keep the iodine pills from getting irradiated?



I have no idea about how long after....I think, pretty much, you have to start taking them right away...over every day you take them...because there will be radioactive iodine in the air every day after a big bomb.

The iodine pills will not get irradiated.

You know physics...the first waves of gammas, heat, etc., kill who they kill, but then the next damage comes from all the fallout from alpha radiation (Helium isotopes, right?)--- and other unstable large molecules that are bad bad bad for us...

Among them, iodine...but the bad iodine won’t replace the good iodine in the fact, the opposite is true, so that is why you take the good iodine.

Will gamma rays go through the pills? Sure...but if there is a whole lot of gamma around you, you’ll die no need to worry about the pills.

Hopefully, a big bomb would land at LAX, and we could possibly survive. If it lands in downtown LA...forget it. We’re dead.

I bet they drop the bomb right on Beverly which case, we’re dead, too.

So, get your iodine tablets, but be prepared to die.

(I think It’ll actually be a little safer in Jackson Heights)

If anything, our US government would be happy if LA was blown would give them an excuse to nuke the middle East out of existence, AND, they’d be rid of millions of pesky liberals.



I was wondering if they should be in the car and office, or just at home.

Alpha radiation is indeed helium nuclei, beta is electrons, and gamma is high-energry light. If they can irradiate the iodine in your thyroid, why can’t they irradiate the iodine in your pills?



The idea is that the thyroid is taking up iodine all the time, and if there are large radioactive iodine molecules in the air, they will take up residence in your thyroid and give you cancer. But, if the concentration of iodine in your blood stream is high (because you are taking the iodine pills) the thyroid will take up those iodine molecules because they are at a greater concentration and nature always goes for efficiency and so you take up the iodine that is not harmful into your thyroid, avoiding cancer. Thus, the whole reason for the iodine pills. So I’m told.






Todd HellsKitchen said...

I'm depressed.

Mr. H.K.
Postcards from Hell's

And I Quote Blog

Anonymous said...

Does that mean I can start eating salty foods again?

Dan said...

I'm glad you decided on two doses. I can't imagine a post-apocalyptic world without Louise.

Rebecca Waring said...

Jeez, and here I sit in Osama's bullseye - our nation's capital. Another good reason to move to Baltimore. If someone dropped a nuclear bomb on Baltimore, would anyone notice a difference?