Monday, August 09, 2010

Blog City

There is something about the past that draws you in because you can rewrite it. You can make it better than it was.

Since joy is not guaranteed on earth, and pain certainly is plentiful, we mentally redo the past to make it like it was golden and wonderful in order to survive.

It’s a delusion. But it works.

Like so many of our constructs.


Todd HellsKitchen said...

I wonder what the Buddah would say about blogging... Probably opposed, eh?

40licious said...

I think that Buddah would just say it Is.

Don Cummings said...

The one time I went to hear the Dalai Lama, he said life is all about, I guess, you know---he would give it a go. Of course, then you do the Art-of-Happiness trick to counter balance it... Or something.