Wednesday, February 22, 2006

One Full Week Without the Ball and Chain

Adam, my Recognized-by-the-State-of-California Domestic Partner, went to Queens to scrape, sand and paint our kitchen.

I do not remember another time when I have been left alone in California for such a long time. I usually travel and leave him behind to feed the dog and cats.

I missed him and such, but as I like to stay focused on the positive, I will share the two best things about his one week of absence:

1) The television was never on. To have that kind of quiet is pretty much heaven on earth. It's better than a load of virgins in the after life. It's pure peace and beauty.

2) Trader Joe's is the best thing on earth. Adam loaded me up with foodstuffs before he left. Mostly from Trader Joe's. How did people survive before this company existed? Potstickers ready for nuking. Pureed soups ready for heating up. Bags of pre-washed spinach ready for steaming. All fresh and delicious.

Tomorrow, Adam comes home. The food will still be good. The television, well, not much I can do about it. At the end of the day, it's what ends up buying us the food.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

All I know about Trader Joe's is that a friend has brought me pounds of assorted almonds, pecans, and peanuts from there.

I wish there was on e near here. As I'm paying $10 a pound for bulk almonds at the Health Food Store.