Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Don Has Facebook Ass

I finally did it. I made a folder and a rule in Outlook. So whenever the Facebook notifications come, they go into my Facebook folder, where they can sit.

I know, you say I can turn off notifications on Facebook and stop this madness…with no need to filter out those pesky messages into their own folder.

But it is good to read them as they come in willy nilly. Then, push them to the side for a while.

How long can a person sit at a computer and work?

To spend your life at a terminal? Really? Because you like sciatic pain?

Up and off, push back, go outside.


Rebecca Waring said...

I think you've hit on a great idea for a new 'social networking site':


John B said...
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John B said...

"Assbook" is great. It already is that. I just linked my Tweets to my Facebook. Now I can be more efficient.

And you may ask, what IS the precise benefit of that?

I haven't a clue.

You're right, Don. Time to go outside. Or to get back to work.



Don Cummings said...