Monday, April 10, 2006

Inside Man

New York City is so lovely in spring. (I wish we capitalized the s of Spring, like the Germans. In fact, I really want to capitalize all nouns, like those big Germans.)

Our wonderful Martha Donaldson (Megan’s girlfriend and oddly enough by pure coincidence, a former denizen of our hometown, Suffern) got us tickets to see the show TITLE OF SHOW--- a very funny musical about two guys and two girls writing a musical. It was smart. It was pared down. It truly was inspired.

And after going to the park (and I tried so hard to post a picture of a blooming Central Park, but I had such technical problems)---we went to see INSIDE MAN.
Come was so interesting. Well acted. Well directed. Shot so interestingly.

But without wrecking anything, I do have one question...After the shit went down, why didn’t Christopher Plummer check the box?

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