1. Using the Constitution as if it’s the Bible is as foolish as using the Bible as if it’s the Bible.
2. Things evolve. We can choose collective health care because we are a democracy. Democracies choose new things all the time.
3. We gay people ARE after your children. We want to convert them. First, because young people are so damn tasty (especially yours, all white and shiny and scared). Second, we are on an earth saving quest to destroy all population growth so it is in our mission statement to homosexualize everyone we can get our hands on. (Don't you wish there was a ;) after this one? There isn't.)
4. I hope you get your way and economically destroy this country entirely. It will pave the road to Socialism. Keep signing pledges, dig in your heels, and wave the flags of unbending faith and righteousness. You are speaking to a minority, you know that? Yank on each other until you crash from exhaustion. We’ll be here setting things up, all Canada and France-like, neat and clean and functioning just fine upon your waking from your self-induced nightmare of delusional extremism.
5. To the ones who are running this Rightie Cabal: You remind me of very entitled people from Brazil. You seem to want this country to become the Brazil of 1977, with its intense divide between the rich and the poor. You are Brazil nuts.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Behind You
Friends, get online (okay, you’re already here) and listen to Karen Kilgariff’s new album Behind You.
It’s just five funny great songs long.
Then, after you listen to it, pay the measly 3 bucks and own it. Forever.
Karen is this super talented comedian songwriter human animal that is my friend who I did stuff with in LA, most of it over cups of tea, with other friends, up in front of people, down at their feet, all of it.
She’s the writer for the new Rosie O show on O. And she’s done so much stuff on and off T.V., I mean, I can’t list it all here because there is not enough blog ink.
Her voice is great. Her songs are hooky. And she’s pretty.
Do it.
Behind You
It’s just five funny great songs long.
Then, after you listen to it, pay the measly 3 bucks and own it. Forever.
Karen is this super talented comedian songwriter human animal that is my friend who I did stuff with in LA, most of it over cups of tea, with other friends, up in front of people, down at their feet, all of it.
She’s the writer for the new Rosie O show on O. And she’s done so much stuff on and off T.V., I mean, I can’t list it all here because there is not enough blog ink.
Her voice is great. Her songs are hooky. And she’s pretty.
Do it.
Behind You
Monday, July 25, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Death to Cashiers
There is a short window of time when people are completely productive, pulling in cash. It lasts about 40 years. Let’s say age 25 – 65 (if nothing goes wrong). That’s just 40 years. People live, on average, almost 80 years. So half of each life is spent not working.
And then there is illness that can hit at any time.
Righties want to pretend that none of this math is true. Or at least that the government should not have to collect taxes and distribute payments in order for every person during half of every life to feel some sort of security. Because why?
I do not understand it.
Some people are cashiers at Target—and no matter what, that’s all they will ever be because of their location, their imagination, their intelligence. Whatever. That person can never work enough hours at Target to pay for him-herself for the forty years of work and then the other forty years (assuming the work for the early years is passed onto children). Ever.
Must everyone become industrialists, stock brokers and successful small business owners in order to double up on cash? How would we buy our cheap goods if we did not have someone at the register at Target ringing us up? Do we care about that person? At all?
No. Because Righties still believe in slavery. And they don’t care if the slaves die.
And then there is illness that can hit at any time.
Righties want to pretend that none of this math is true. Or at least that the government should not have to collect taxes and distribute payments in order for every person during half of every life to feel some sort of security. Because why?
I do not understand it.
Some people are cashiers at Target—and no matter what, that’s all they will ever be because of their location, their imagination, their intelligence. Whatever. That person can never work enough hours at Target to pay for him-herself for the forty years of work and then the other forty years (assuming the work for the early years is passed onto children). Ever.
Must everyone become industrialists, stock brokers and successful small business owners in order to double up on cash? How would we buy our cheap goods if we did not have someone at the register at Target ringing us up? Do we care about that person? At all?
No. Because Righties still believe in slavery. And they don’t care if the slaves die.
Social Studies
Monday, July 18, 2011
It Was Good Enough for Anita Bryant
I officially order ONE PIE for MICHELE BACHMANN. Who's going to humiliate her in cream? It brought down Anita hate Bryant. It can bring down Michele hate Bachmann. Make sure you do it live on television. If you have to do from a distance, round up your friends and throw twenty or two hundred.

War and Peace
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I love the free market, mostly because it’s pretty creative…even if it is fueled by greed and ego.
But on the receiving end (no jokes here) it really is a messy load to take.
For example, what will happen when we migrate to Google + ? Will some of us go? All of us?
When My Space got funky and abandoned, at least the bands stayed behind. Who will stay behind with Facebook? Chefs? Lepidopterists? Left handed scribers?
Hard to know.
I once kept my hard drive incredibly organized. Oh wait, I still do. However, there is the creeping feeling that so much of what I make is not just living in my box…but is “out there” somewhere. If those “out theres” change a lot, where do I end up? Or, who am I if I am spread out all over the place instead of a in a stack of neat digital files in my computer?
Next---this war-in-my-box between corporations has gotten better, but mostly because we’ve had to come together. Used to be that a hard drive could come to a screeching halt if you had a peripheral plugged in whose software didn’t quite work with your operating system. Or if Microsoft Outlook received an Uuencoded email from an iMac and the next thing you knew, you were looking at a picture that looked like this: 389nej@^^()&*)%*hiij*&(HNOJOU*HIU( etc.
So it was natural that agreed upon coding and protocols would evolve. Because working together works.
It is the greed and ego that create separate languages. And it is necessary. And then it is rearranged or cannibalized or deftly mixed. (The invisible hand and all that…)—and everyone gets a piece (or not) but the essential move is to standardize. This delineate, promote, combine ride is funky. Clearly. But this is how we live.
I like it. Best if the transitions happen quickly, though, so as not to feel so deeply the clunkiness of change. I would love to live 1000 years from now. Why not? Taking super fast rides into more efficient usages? Or will it be more fractured? I think not. I think we will grow very accustomed to the pace---but also understand that the pace is outside of us, so it can accepted as something fascinating and amusing.
Sidebar: Exercise. It’s good for your mood.
But on the receiving end (no jokes here) it really is a messy load to take.
For example, what will happen when we migrate to Google + ? Will some of us go? All of us?
When My Space got funky and abandoned, at least the bands stayed behind. Who will stay behind with Facebook? Chefs? Lepidopterists? Left handed scribers?
Hard to know.
I once kept my hard drive incredibly organized. Oh wait, I still do. However, there is the creeping feeling that so much of what I make is not just living in my box…but is “out there” somewhere. If those “out theres” change a lot, where do I end up? Or, who am I if I am spread out all over the place instead of a in a stack of neat digital files in my computer?
Next---this war-in-my-box between corporations has gotten better, but mostly because we’ve had to come together. Used to be that a hard drive could come to a screeching halt if you had a peripheral plugged in whose software didn’t quite work with your operating system. Or if Microsoft Outlook received an Uuencoded email from an iMac and the next thing you knew, you were looking at a picture that looked like this: 389nej@^^()&*)%*hiij*&(HNOJOU*HIU( etc.
So it was natural that agreed upon coding and protocols would evolve. Because working together works.
It is the greed and ego that create separate languages. And it is necessary. And then it is rearranged or cannibalized or deftly mixed. (The invisible hand and all that…)—and everyone gets a piece (or not) but the essential move is to standardize. This delineate, promote, combine ride is funky. Clearly. But this is how we live.
I like it. Best if the transitions happen quickly, though, so as not to feel so deeply the clunkiness of change. I would love to live 1000 years from now. Why not? Taking super fast rides into more efficient usages? Or will it be more fractured? I think not. I think we will grow very accustomed to the pace---but also understand that the pace is outside of us, so it can accepted as something fascinating and amusing.
Sidebar: Exercise. It’s good for your mood.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hate to Be All Droughty
A few weeks ago, I went down to Florida to visit my parents. They live on a lake that is part of that great system of canals and lakes of southern Florida.
The water was so low, it looked kind of disgusting.
I had never seen this before and I wondered, “What is this going to do to their property value?”
Of course, nothing is forever and lakes do refill. But it is disarming to see a large lake shrinking into a field of mud tiles.
You start to think about end-of-days scenarios with people roaming the earth with their straws, feverishly sucking up the last bits of silty sludge they can find.
The only thing to do is to curb the birth rate. I do understand alternative fuel. I don’t understand alternative water.
Perhaps with alternative fuel (fusion of seawater?) we may also desalinate sea water for drinking.
What will happen to the oceans then?
Aww hell---we are the future sci-fi characters, flying around space, looking for a new hospitable home.
The water was so low, it looked kind of disgusting.
I had never seen this before and I wondered, “What is this going to do to their property value?”
Of course, nothing is forever and lakes do refill. But it is disarming to see a large lake shrinking into a field of mud tiles.
You start to think about end-of-days scenarios with people roaming the earth with their straws, feverishly sucking up the last bits of silty sludge they can find.
The only thing to do is to curb the birth rate. I do understand alternative fuel. I don’t understand alternative water.
Perhaps with alternative fuel (fusion of seawater?) we may also desalinate sea water for drinking.
What will happen to the oceans then?
Aww hell---we are the future sci-fi characters, flying around space, looking for a new hospitable home.
Momma Earth
Monday, July 11, 2011
When you get up early, the day is quite long.
Internal Memo
Sunday, July 10, 2011
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