Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lack of Newspaper

I have not had the time to read the newspaper for almost two months. Finally, yesterday and today, I did have a chance to glance.

Heath Ledger is DEAD?

The Stock Market has FALLEN APART?

And that awful weasel, GWB, is still the, GASP, leader of the Free World?
(Free World? Free to whom?)

It is interesting what one can fill one’s head with. I’ve had an enormous TO DO list since October—I am not complaining. I wanted my list to get large. I am grateful. But the list has trumped the reading.

However, I do miss the world discussion since I’ve been out of the loop. (And for the record, I think I just have to get the New York Times to replace my current fish wrap. The LA Times gets sillier by the second.)

However, being out of the loop can give one the space to trust gut feelings on various subjects. By just feeling the hive vibe of America and catching the snippets as they occasionally catch your eye, you can come to conclusions that are not so analytical. Sometimes, those are the best conclusions you can draw.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

I love news... It's all I watch on TV these days...