Monday, September 08, 2008

I Am Not the Only One on Earth

The season is here. Allergy season in Los Angeles. It’s hot. It’s dry. The leaves are dying on the trees and opportunisitic mold is starting to eat everything up.

Certainly, this is not ideal. But who am I to say that other things shouldn’t live so I can have a more enjoyable earth experience?

My allergy theory: The reason why there are so many allergic people is because nature chose for us. Think about it. All sorts of horrible things must have flown on the backs of specks. Plague on rat dander. Who knows what on pollen, mold and dust mites! So, if your immune system attacked anything that was sort of speck-like, it did its best to remove all kinds of diseases.

At least, that’s what the positive side of me thinks.

In any event, allergies are just allergies, an inconvenient variant. Not as bad as diabetes. But certainly not as innocuous as iris color.

Other things live on earth and allergic people just plain ol’ want to fight them!

I say, let ‘em live! Here’s the clip:


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