Thursday, January 27, 2005

Tragedy on the Tracks

Friends, it is very sad what happened yesterday...that suicidal man who parked on the Metro Link Tracks in Glendale and hopped out of his car before the train came...

The train struck the car, derailed and hit another train going in the opposite direction. Eleven people were killed and many other injured. The muderer not only didn't kill himself, but he killed eleven innocent people who were doing their best to enjoy the train.

I hate to say this, but that car was a weapon.

For more on the tragedy:


Accidents happen. And this is a very sad thing for hundreds, thousands of people affected by this terrible incident.

For these people, stick to No Car Thursdays. Though the timing is terrible, we'll all feel better if we get right back on the horse, I mean train, bus, bicycle. Not to be callous, but to accept this accident as just that and continue on with our plan to clean the air.

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