Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hedge Hogs

All this talk about hedge funds and corruption. Quelle surprise.

Does one enter into a Wall Street Career because of generosity and an compelling altruism?

Look—the regulators don’t quite regulate because they are having lunch with the regulatees. Would you snip the wings of your pals?

A tiny percentage of people in this country make out like bandits. Fine. Given. Let them have it. It takes a certain kind of personality to keep the market brisk.

My only thing: Would it be so much to ask, while you are skimming as much cash as possible off the top, would it be so much to ask to make sure that the rest of society at least has health coverage and passable public education? That’s all.

It’s a grabby zoo out there. Rise up, you half awake people, and claim what is yours: a life that is worth living with clean air and decent health care. After that, let the pigs rout for truffles. And we can all look at them and laugh at their vanity---but only if we are healthy and safe and educated.

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