Tuesday, June 03, 2008

We All Know It

If he doesn’t take her as his vice, he will be pummeled with forklifts and estrogen patches.

Come on Barry, we all know you’re stalling, grandstanding even.

Go ahead, take a couple of days. But we know what you have to do.

We’ve known it for months.

This is so exciting, I think I’ll make a George Bush Pudding Effigy and eat the whole thing in one sitting.


Rebecca Waring said...

She'll need to concede he won first. Graciously.

Anonymous said...

i'm with you , don!

Dan said...

How can he be the candidate of Change and have a Clinton on the ticket? Makes no sense. Give it to another broad.

Enough with those Clintons. Time for something new, clearly.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how he won and now he is grandstanding because he won't pick her. She lost in March but has dragged us all through this because she somehow thinks the party owes her the nomination.

Hillary was out-campaigned in every way. Besides, why would she want the worst job in US government? She should be in his cabinet where she can do some good instead of being in an office with no power and no responsibility.

Cheryl said...

I like this pudding effigy idea. I'm going to make one of all my enemies. All my delicious, butterscotch enemies.

the last noel said...

You really think it's gonna happen? Really?

Todd HellsKitchen said...

There are a lot of big Electoral College states in play against McCain... But Hil can almost certainly bring them to the table... He needs her.