Friday, July 17, 2009

Hazy Hot Humid & Goldman Sachs

It’s New York in the summer and it’s not just hot out there, it’s kind of greasy.

I like the humidity for my contact lenses and my sinuses. But for everything else, it’s sort of vile.

In the hot meantime, the rich are finding ways to get richer again, which is fine with me. But what is not so fine is how all this cash is concentrating within a couple of companies. One hopes we become innovative again and create sparkling yet smooth demand that splinters the money around instead of putting it in the hands of a few.

But it just feels like we are in a bust, then one day we will boom, only to bust again.

Nothing new under the sun. You just have to keep washing your face.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

We're on track to be the second coolest July in the history of statistics according to an email blast from The last three days have been exceptionally non-humid and beat-ee-ful!