Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Informant!

Directed by Steven Soderbergh, starring Matt Damon, The Informant!, is funny, smart and odd.

Wonderfully, this movie (if I am remembering correctly) had no soundtrack at all.

Matt Damon is pleasingly, well, I would say plump, but he’s fat. He put the weight on for the role. He walks around like a refrigerator. It’s quite something.

The style of the early 90’s was worth the gander.

Okay, so it’s a whistleblower movie, but it turns out the whistleblower (M. Damon) is a liar.

Based on a true story, you might get some chuckles out of this one.

At times, I was a little bored. Matt Damon is a fine actor. Soderbergh knows what he’s doing.


John B said...

I enjoy Matt Damon, and I'm almost always surprised at what he does.

I love movies without a musical soundtrack. Coppola's "The Conversation" really made me appreciate sparse soundtracks. Music has the potential to make epics grander, but how many times, while watching a movie with six characters have I wished they'd fired the composer?

Tandava (Carol Henning) said...

Have you listened to this: