Monday, June 13, 2011

Gays of New York Unite

Today is my parents’ fifty-third wedding anniversary. Even though my father is Irish and my mother is Italian, they were allowed to marry back in 1958.

And now for something completely less mixed: Boys with boys and girls with girls. Even in Yonkers!

Look, Cuomo wants it, the populace wants it, hell, even a load of Republican Reps want it. Chances are good this will happen just before they get the hell out of dodge for the summer.

Exciting? Yes. But my life has been full of so many gay disappointments, I must not count my pink triangled chickens before they hatch.

But math almost has it. Down to a couple of senators. Their constituents seem to be saying, “Aw hell, let the homos have it. And maybe they can do something pretty with this Erie Canal.”

If I ever marry my Recognized-by-the-state-of-California-Domestic-Partner Adam here in this city of rampant business and ugly sounding voices, my man will then be referred to as my Recognized-by-the-state-of-New-York-Husband. Simpler sounding, though the former sounds so awkward, it begs for a Federal repeal of the Defense of Marriage Schmact.

Come on Albany! Send some good news down the Hudson.

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