Friday, April 22, 2005

Franco Wouldn't Be Too Happy

Today SPAIN became the fourth European country to approve gay marriage with full rights on equal standing with heterosexual marriage, including gay adoption.

The other three countries who allow gay marriage AND adoption are Belgium, Sweden and The Netherlands. Other countries with gay marriage include: Denmark, Canada, Germany, Greenland, Norway and Portugal. Civil Unions are legal in Argentina, Iceland, Finland, France, Hungary and Scotland. In South Africa, same sex couples can adopt together but at this point they cannot marry. To date there has been no documented case where gay marriages/civil unions in any of these countries have caused heterosexual marriage to falter—and Denmark has had gay marriage for sixteen years.

The Christian Right has not even passed the Jim Crow level of equality for gay Americans. Their views are strictly nineteenth century and deeply discriminatory. How do they sleep at night knowing what Canada is doing on their continent?


1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Great post! You are sooo correct!