Friday, October 20, 2006

The New World Order

In the new world, Democrats will be running congress. George Bush will concede the failure that is the Iraq offensive. Donald Rumsfeld will be fired. And my dog will continue to be the sweetest thing on four feet.

The price of housing will decrease. People will rise up and insist on health coverage. Bigotry against gay marriage will go into the closet. Many, many more countries will have nuclear weapons (not necessarily a bad thing).

France will continue its Gallic pragmatism. Tony Blair will happily pipe down. Italy will change governments. Germany will become even more xenophobic.

Ms. Rice will simmer down into obscurity. Hillary Clinton will make a bid for the presidency. Civil war will break up Iraq---or---a new dictator will rise up to unify the warring factions.

Afghanistan will continue to supply most of the world’s heroin. South America will rise up, for good. Africa will only get worse.

And people like me won’t ever shut up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about an Obama-Cummings ticket?