Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February Spring

I think it might have been warmer in New York today than it was in Los Angeles. Or close.

I love a moist day, in the forties.

New York is a funky town. I grew up here, but since living in Los Angeles, I have gotten used to a pretty unchanging climate.

Here, in the apple gigante, the weather changes every few hours it seems. From my apartment window, looking out over Queens to the Upper East Side of Manhattan, I get a full view of Mother Nature and her shenanigans.

It’s pretty exciting.

I think I am allowed one weather blog entry every three years. This is it.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

I hate moist days in the forties , fifties, and sixties... weather for Feb should be 12 degrees and dry...

I think we're due for a cold snap tonight again...