Monday, June 22, 2009

Rise Up Healthy Folks and A Pigeon

Back in the late eighties when all my friends were figuring out how to fit into the work-a-day world, so many of them took jobs for the medical insurance.

I remember thinking, at that arty time in my life, “You mean, you’ll go imprison yourselves forty or more hours per week at some lackey job just so you’ll have health insurance?”

I went along without any.

Of course, now, I could not…what with all sorts of little silly things behind me: emergency appendectomy, sinus surgery, a little hernia tear fixed up, a lower back MRI, countless allergy shots, etc. etc…nothing that unusual.

I have been covered by some sort of health insurance for the past thirteen years. The joke is…right now, we pay for it (COBRA) but there were two years where I had TRIPLE coverage. That’s right. Two insurance plans through Adam, my Recognized-by-the-State-of-California-Domestic-Partner, because he switched from a non-union to a WGA union gig and the two plans overlapped, plus, I had SAG insurance.

A little ridiculous, don’t you think, to be triple covered? What a waste.

Then…there are times, like now, when the only coverage we can have is with this hideously expensive COBRA, which kind of makes me sick to my stomach.

In a world where job security does not exist, having medical insurance tied to employment is absurd. It leads to no or multiple coverage.

So now this: the pigeon (my almost roommate) who lives on the window sill below my air conditioner just won’t leave. Apparently, these beasts have bird mites which are something you don’t want to be around.

Thrown pots of water have moved her away for ten minutes at a time.
Someone I know uses a water gun with bleach in it. Seems cruel and awful.

How does one get rid of a filthy pigeon without hurting it?


Rebecca Waring said...

Could you put something on the window edge that makes it uncomfortable for the pigeon? Something sticky or perhaps sharp?

katchaya said...

go to a pet store and in the bird section they will have a thing that kills bird mites that your supposed to hang in a bird cage. get it and hang it on the fire escape next to the window. Problem solved.

Cheryl said...

You know who needs good health and stability? Pigeons, that's who. Let him stay! :-)

Todd HellsKitchen said...

A Plastic Owl?? A board w/ protruding thingies (not needles) that it can't stand on? Did you Google this? I know there is a NY Pigeon assn or something that would rather help you humanely than have you hurt the birdie... As for insurance, Obama will supposedly be a help eventually... But I know friends insured through the Freelancer's Union. Not too expensive but high minimums and etc so it's mostly for catastrophic...