Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy July

Get ready for autumn, summer is almost over!

I have noticed that after every Fourth of July, the summer feels like it is almost over.

I do not know if you have experienced this. You will see by August 10, the light is quite changed and there are even trees with a little autumnal wear and tear.

Now, this is not to say that we should be getting ahead of ourselves. I say this to remind myself to really enjoy the summer because it is actually so short.

And during the days that are super hot, hazy and humid (today was not one of them. Today was dry and 72)—just remember, it goes away.

So, as of today, good summer to all. Time flies. Like butter.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

My Summer vacation is almost over??? SHUT YOUR MOUTH, YO! But, you're right... it will fly by...