Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We All Love Our Bloggy Pudding

So---with Christmas approaching, sort of, I wanted to get a jump start on my list.

I only want two things, my elfin pals.

ONE Stop this damn recession. People have had enough. Jobs. Clean Green Good Ones.

TWO Health Care Reform that includes The Public Option. Bush Lied about Iraq. Obama is lying about The Public Option (Come on---if we have a Public Option---it won't be 5% that joins it. It will be 95%). Give me it. Every president gets one big lie. Health care, now.

That's it. Two things. It's only September 16. There's time to pull it together!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Public option is intended for those who don't have health insurance provided by their employer or can't afford it on their own. So, unless the economy really tanks, it won't be 95%.